Sunday, June 21, 2009

burnt to a crisp

I´m back from Santander. It was amazing and I´m am burnt to a crisp from a beautiful day on the beach. Who would have thought you needed to put sunscreen on your legs?!
we went to Bilboa to see the Guggenheim today. It was amazing. I´m kind of weirdly obsessed with it now. Can you have a crush on a building? I think I do.
Happy Father´s Day, Daddy! Love you! You can open your card now! WishI was in America to hang out with you
Well I have to go do some homework... Beth and I have been feeling a little bit under the weather lately... We are going to try to get to bed early tonight.
Today, I miss America... more importantly Texas.... and even MORE importantly good old Waco!
Until Next time.
Spain Lesson #16: When you are falling on the metro or bus because of an abrupt stop, be careful of what you grab for. People don´t really like to be groped by a foreigner.


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