Last night, we headed home after the metro had closed down. So, we got to take our very first taxi! When we got in we saw a picture of a baby. It was a nice old many driving and when Robyn asked who the baby was, he told us it was his grandson and he was 3 days old. The conversation continued as follows:
Robyn: Ohh fabuloso! Tengo una novia! (oh fabulous. I have a girlfriend)Driver: Tienes novio? (You have a BOYFRIEND)Robyn: No… NoviA A… novia (no… girlfriend. Girl. Girlfriend)Driver: Tienes NoviO (you have a boyfriend)Meredith, Beth, and Me dying laughing in the back of the cab….ME: Robyn… tienes una sobrina… no novia… that’s girlfriend… (you have a niece… not a girlfriend…. Novia means girlfriend)
It was SO very funny….For a brief period of time. Robyn was ardently convincing a cab driver that she was dating a girl…. Communication breakdown.
Then, we, along with the cab driver got lost. He had to do a U turn… but he was so kind and turned off the meter when he retraced his steps… He really liked us…. REALLY.
Spain Lesson # 6—Part two (because the first one was lame): Don’t let the saying “the rain in spain falls mainly on the plains…” be your only advice on weather. The rain falls everywhere.
Try and get ahold of a weather channel so you can better prepare yourself for the day.
Update on the Ultimate Day: RUINED. It was cloudy. The pool was being cleaned. We ran out of time… however. We got some sweet shoes and found a Spanish version of Common Grounds… it has delicious drinks…..and the best thing of all… IT HAS WI FI!!!!!! WAHOO.
Update on the Ultimate Day: RUINED. It was cloudy. The pool was being cleaned. We ran out of time… however. We got some sweet shoes and found a Spanish version of Common Grounds… it has delicious drinks…..and the best thing of all… IT HAS WI FI!!!!!! WAHOO.

We are in Saville now. It took WAY too long to get here. BUT we did get to stop in La mancha (the inspiration for Don Quixote) and Cordoba (to see a mosque). We are headed to the Roman Ruins tomorrow. I am definitely enjoying our MONSTROUS hotel bathroom. It will be hard to go back to showering in a little cube! BUT Carmen’s beds are WAY more comfy than these. And…. We kind of miss Carmen…. But not her ham.
Spain Lesson #7: When Meredith says to go one way, turn around and go the direct opposite of what she says. It will get you there everytime.
Love your Shoes!!
Ok, two things....Caitlin Holland and I just read your blog and we are both literally CRYING we are laughing SO hard! First, the story about Robbs being so adamant about having a girlfriend! Oh, I can just picture it! We really laughed about that one. And then, we read your mom's comment on the other post about "your girls" and then how she realized it and hoped only you could read it. Needless to say, we just about died and lost it all over again! Thanks for being so entertaining! Love you and miss you all so much! Let's skype soon :)
Those shoes are soo very cute!
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