I just realized I haven’t told ya’ll about our apartment yet….
It is very cozy. We share a bedroom with two very tiny beds. (Upon first seeing them you may think “there’s no way I’m fitting in that teeny tiny bed”… but for the most part you fit(ish)). Beth Ann’s bed is right by the door, and sometimes it is hard to open the door because of her feet hanging off of the bed, but she always wakes up and moves them. Every morning, I wake up and head to our bathroom, on the way; I hit my head on a low hanging light fixture. EVERY MORNING!
And so begins the part about the bathroom…. We get our own bathroom and the family has their own bathroom. The bathrooms are directly side by side so whenever we need to get to our bathroom, we pass the spacious luxury of the family bathroom…. When you enter our bathroom, you have to know how to maneuver the door. You must open the door, then step over the toilet and then shut the door. There is about a 1 ½ inch clearance between the door and the toilet, so there are usually some tricky acrobatics involved in this part…On our first night here, we were both trying to use the bathroom to wash our faces and brush our teeth… it is difficult enough to get around in there with just one person but two…. Yikes. We must have looked like we were piling out of a clown car when we left. The shower is exactly 18”X24” which really spices things up. Showering takes a lot of skills; however, as of now we are still lacking certain skills like shaving for instance since there is no room to bend over. Beth Ann thinks she is really on to something with this high knees move…. We’ll see. When exiting the shower, you must plaster your self against the wall to get clearance for the door that opens INTO the shower. Visits to the bathroom, no matter the reason, are always quite the adventure.
I feel particularly bad at meal times because they only have a four person table, so when we arrived Raquel got the boot…
This is just an apartment built for very small people, but the family living in it couldn’t be more loving and we are so blessed for that. (hopefully I can get my pictures to upload soon!)
Current Event:
When we were studying in the park today, I kept getting bit by bugs. No one else was feeling them, they apparently found me to be the most delectable of the bunch. It was slightly uncomfortable at the time, however, tonight I found a mysterious rash on my calf….. It’s very itchy. I’m thinking I’m going to try to wait it out…. But if it gets any worse, I may have to call in backup (aka my dad).
I am officially labeling this as day one of the mystery rash. Hopefully it will be the only day.
Side note: The bugs probably have no correlation to the mysterious rash. It just all happened around the same time, so they are together as one in my mind.
On a much happier note, we are really coming along in our conversational skills. Dinner tonight was much less awkward because the conversation was somewhat flowing (I say that and actually just mean that we said other things besides “si”). Hopefully this continues to improve, so beth and I aren’t always just sitting and nodding like little dogs on a dashboard saying “si” to EVERYTHING.
Recently, I have a new pastime. It is really funny to try to translate songs from English to Spanish. I am currently working on.
Billy Jean—Inspired by the Benda’s
My Heart Will Go On—Inspired by every homeless person in the metro who play various instruments along with a karaoke rendition of this song.
Can’t Touch This—Collaborative effort with Beth Ann; inspired by every museum we have been in.
In light of recent events, a new phrase/scale has been coined.
“How bad do you need to go to the bathroom on a scale of Meredith to Robyn?”
Scale is as follows….Meredith—NEVER goes to the bathroom… she just mysteriously washes her hands any time we stop…. apparently she has superior bladder control.
Me—I am the most normal of the bunch. Slightly inferior to Meredith.
Beth—has to go all the time. We always have to check before we leave the house and make sure she has gone, but she doesn’t usually make us stop when we are in route to somewhere.
Robyn—No bladder control. You MUST stop for Robyn.
For maximum comfort, try to stay near a Meredith or a Caitlin.
I hope ya’ll aren’t already getting tired of my Spain lessons because I plan to keep them coming.
Spain Lesson #4: It is ok to pick your nose here. Nobody frowns upon it. In America it is some big stigma, however here, people just do it everywhere. So, If you are ever in Spain and you have a booger, just go at it and you will fit right in. (But not blend in… see lesson 3)
P.S. I have changed the settings to where you can write me comments. This is a two way relationship. I expect some messages from yall!
P.P.S. We are going on a trip tomorrow.... so you probably wont hear from me until Wednesday.... that is unless I can find my way to an internet cafe..... but probably not.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Apartment for midgets
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2:13 AM
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