So, every day when we come home from school we pass a candy store. We were 100% positive that it was a candy store because it says CANDY on the sign really big in English. (It said some other Spanish stuff too). Well whenever we would come home from school, it would be closed for siesta… So today we were walking by AFTER siesta because we actually took one today (it went well… I know you were concerned)…. Anyways, we were walking by the supposed “Candy shop” and all we saw were animal legs hanging from the ceiling… all over the walls. I did not see one single piece of candy… Maybe it was candied meat? I don’t really know. I would classify Beth and Myself as borderline vegetarians. Needless to say, we wont be stopping by for candy anytime soon…
Dad-- You know how you only ever lounge in Golden Boy? (For those who don’t know, It is a tattered Gold colored shirt that has definitely seen better days) Well, Padre kind of has a Golden boy too! Except it is a Miami Dolphins shirt…. It is in about the same state that Golden Boy is, so every night when he wears it I think of you! Thought you should know!
Court- remember when you had elephant feet when you were pregnant? Beth and I have them… but we’re not pregnant… we just walk EVERYWHERE!
Today in the park, (We tried a new park, Parque de Retiro… it’s the biggest park in Madrid) I saw a couple taking a picture with self timer… so I went to ask them if they wanted me to take one for them. I mostly mimed it because I get really awkward when I have to speak Spanish… especially to strangers. They told me that they didn’t need me to, but it takes me a while to translate things in my head, so I was still reaching for the camera when I realized what they said…. Awkward. I guess that’s what you get for trying to be nice….
A new game has been started on the metro. We stand where there are no people and see who can go for the most stops without having to: Grab the bar, grab someone else, or take a step. TECHNICALLY Beth Ann got out first today, but she claims she didn’t touch the door….she did. So the places for today were… Meredith 1st Robyn 2nd Me 3rd Beth 4th. (I read the blog to her every night when I write it, however, tonight I am going to leave this part out because she will be really mad when she reads it because she is still claiming she didn’t lose)
Carmen will not let us go without ham. Tonight for dinner we had Grilled cheese sandwiches WITH HAM. When we had pizza for dinner, she told us that it was CHEESE PIZZA , however, under the cheese there was a sneaky little layer of ham that was hiding. She is very very sneaky sometimes…. Oh Carmen!
Carmen will not let us go without ham. Tonight for dinner we had Grilled cheese sandwiches WITH HAM. When we had pizza for dinner, she told us that it was CHEESE PIZZA , however, under the cheese there was a sneaky little layer of ham that was hiding. She is very very sneaky sometimes…. Oh Carmen!
Tomorrow, we are planning the ULTIMATE DAY!... We are forfeiting our siesta to LAY OUT AT THE POOL! Robyn and Meredith’s Apartment has a pool on the roof! I think we will probably get DOUBLE the sun too because we will be so close to it! Then, we are going back to the park to get a little workout. We saw lots of people doing yoga there today, perhaps we will join them…. Only I don’t know how to say Yoga in Spanish….
Last night at dinner, Carmen asked me if I was sun burned... I didn't know how to say rosacia in spanish.... so I just told her they were always red... Beth was dying laughing. Carmen told me it makes me look healthy hahah. Thanks?
Spain Lesson #6: When you come up with a lesson, write it down. You may not remember later when you go to blog. Also, it means you will probably make the same mistake tomorrow because you can’t remember what you learned… womp womp.
Well this was a short one… not much going on here in Madrid. I cannot believe I have already been here for 8 days! More to come later!
Besita besita,
Pictures of our apartment!
Clearance between door and toilet
Me in the shower.
The kitchenMy Bed.... with Mary
Beth in her very tiny bed!
Sounds like ya'll have a wonderful plan for the day. I hope it all goes well. As I type this mom is at the Dr. with Carson bc he has had a fever since last night. Throat and ears are fine they are running bloodwork to check for a virus. Should know the results shortly. Love you and love the pics!
The pictures are great! It's nice to see your girls in them. The apartment looks very nice. I am quite sure it is cleaner than the one you are going to live in next year!! Keep the lesson's coming, they are quite entertaining. Have a great trip to Saville this weekend and take as many showers/baths as you want!! Love you!
Oh no.....I didn't mean it is nice to see your girls, I meant you girls. I hope no one can read this but you!
My dearest Yittle. Oh how I miss thee. I had to creepily see on my news feed that you had this blog going. No not because you told me about it. Rather, it is because you told Katelyn. Disappointment. I emailed beth ann. No response. Jerk. I enjoy creepily reading your blog though. The humor in it reminds me of why we make such a GREAT big and little team. I'll keep reading these fabulous blogs until the day you return home. Tell Beth I said hi. And if she likes me she could respond to my email, or not. Oh also, our house has fleas. Yes fleas. Thanks judah's dogs. Thanks for there being no roomies here so i deal with them all on my lonesome. I almost cried this morning because my ankles are completely red with bites and they itch like crazy. We also have cute little fruit flies. They aren't nerely as annoying as the fleas though. Leave it to God to make you always realize things could be worse. Oh wait I don't know how because I can't even sleep in comfort I'm constantly afraid of being completely eaten by fleas. Love the midget toilet. Love Beth's tiny bed.
I laughed really, really hard about your cheeks :)
Surprise. I read your blog.
And I love it.
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