I´m sure you´ve all been long awaiting this blog! I´m sorry it did not happen sooner. I typed one out on my computer and included PICTURES and everything.... but.... my computer BROKE. Yup. Broke.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!!! The Big Cincuenta! ( I put it in Spanish so less people will actually know!) I´m sad I missed your birthday! Hope you found my card that I left! I´m glad you didn´t open it early! Make sure Dad doesn´t open his father´s day card early either. I´m sure it´s hard not to since yall miss me SOO much! haha Love you! Can´t wait to see pictures from the concert!
This weekend was SO fantastic! I really loved Granada. We stayed in a BEAUTIFUL hotel up in the mountains and had an incredible view off of our balcony! It definitely spoiled me!
It was surprisingly cold this weekend, especially in the mountains. I´ll sum up this weekend really quickly.

We could tell that Carmen really missed us this weekend! She was EXTRA huggy when we got back!
It was a great weekend, however, I left our phone charger in one of the hotels which means I get to go back to the phone store... GREAT! We all know how well that went last time... Hopefully I won´t get kicked out.
On sunday night before we headed back to Madrid, we all went out to eat. I decided to be brave and try the Paella. We didn´t know what kind of meat would come in it....
So begins attack of the Paella Part I:
It was Paella with Mariscos... aka shellfish.
When we got it it had ENTIRE shrimp! When I look at my food, I prefer that it not look back at me! They had 8 inch long antennae, little shrimpy heads, beady little eyes, and all their shrimpy legs! I have never felt so squirmy in my whole life! Someone even convinced me that they were still alive.... it didnt seem too hard to believe since they were still in tact! At one point I actually jumped when a shrimp suddenly revealed itself from amongst the rice.
Luckily CJ saved the day and offered to behead the shrimp for us... she´s so brave!

When we got home from our trip, I told Carmen that I had tried Paella and slyly told her it was Chicken Paella thinking that if I told her that she might make us CHICKEN paella. Nope... attack of the Paella Part II:
We arrive home from school for lunch on tuesday to find that we are having paella. She was really excited since I had told her that I really liked it! My chicken plan did not work.... I met the little shrimpys yet again... only this time on home turf. However, I just couldnt do it. I just turned their eyes away from me so they weren´t watching me eat and left them on my plate. I think Carmen was a little dissapointed.
This next section is a formal apology to Beth Ann and Robyn:
I´m sorry I spoke poorly of ya´ll for not holding the metro door for us. After seeing on the news that some man got his hand amputated by the metro door I realized that there was really nothing you could do. I´m glad that you still have all of your limbs. Meredith and I will walk faster next time... or you could slow down... I´m just saying.
We are headed to Barcelona tomorrow! We leave right after school and will be back on sunday. I am sooo excited! I learned about a lot of the architecture in one of my classes this year and can´t wait to see some Gaudi for myself. Oh and I guess laying on a Spanish beach won´t be so bad either!
Hopefully I can get my computer figured out and put pictures on my next post! For now, just imagine REALLY pretty mountains and a funny picture of me with some shrimp and you will have a pretty good idea of what this could have looked like.
I´ll leave ya´ll with three lessons since it´s been a while.
Spain Lesson #8: Do not eat the cheetos in Spain. They weirdly taste like ham... just like everything here. They are not cheesy. That cheetah is an imposter. I don´t even think he is a distant relative of Chester.
Spain Lesson #9: If the natives can´t do your homework, there is no hope for you. You know your homework is REALLY hard when your Senora checks it AND ¨corrects¨it.... but you still get it wrong.
Spain Lesson #10: Peanut butter is called Crema De Cacuhuete.
(We finally have peanut butter!)
I love being the first one to leave you a message!! I wrote you an email this morning EARLY....I hope you get your computer fixed. I think that the shrimp paella sounds good. Minus the heads and all. Love you!
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