1. The days are FOREVER long. The sun doesn’t even SET until 9:30 or 9:40! Not to mention you still haven’t eaten dinner.
2. You walk EVERYWHERE so you are just more tired anyways but with the days being so long, especially so.
I’m toying with the idea of giving into taking a siesta…. (I usually go to the park and do homework during siesta).
*this is a picture from the park we always go to.... the man was actually looking at robyn while I was pretending to take a picture of her.. i just thought he looked really cute*
Essentially I have been sporadic siesta-ing throughout the day…. I guess I’ll just give it a try tomorrow.
Speaking of Toledo, it was absolutely beautiful! (Dad, Mom, Court, and Jess-- look forward to a couple of goodies from Toledo!) It is a very small town but it is rich in history. We visited a couple of Cathedrals and walked around mostly. When we were trying to find a place to eat our Bocadillos (aka sandwiches… and yes, there were two… and yes, One was ham… YUCK.. Carmen is determined to make us like ham.. thats why she keeps forcing it on us!), we actually found ourselves in the midst of a funeral procession…. Oh the adventures! The streets are so small that when a car drives by you must jump into an alcove cut out for a door or just where buildings don’t exactly meet properly. That part of my Toledo experience brought back memories of the walking tour…. I’m still a little jumpy with cars! But it was, all in all, a good day!
The streets in Toledo
We kind of got lost on the way to San Martin bridge...so when we got there, we celebrated!!!!!
Follow up on Mystery Rash: IT’S GONE!
Oh, I would also like to give a shout out to Beth Ann and Robyn (Who read this blog even though they are living it with me.) Thanks for running to get on the metro without Meredith and me…. And thanks for your feeble attempt to hold the door open for us….. I can tell by the look on your faces as you rode away and left Meredith and I on the platform that you genuinely cared that we didn’t make the train… NOT. What kind of friend isn’t willing to sacrifice a limb in the door of a metro to keep it open? We would have done it for you…. Just think it over. Don’t let it happen again.
Spain Lesson #5: Spaniards are stylish. They walk around looking like rock stars 24/7. Just give up trying to look nice, you will always be one-uped. Always.
P.S. I finally got pictures to upload!!!
Disclaimer: These are not relevant to anything in this post.... I just couldn't get them to upload before!
This is for Courtney... remember when we watched Grease all the way to Colorado... on repeat?!
YEAH!! I can leave you comments now!! Expect to be stalked regularly! Love you sister keep the pictures coming!!
ok, so I just found out you have a blog and read all of your posts to catch up on all that's been going on! I love hearing about all of y'alls crazy adventures and I'm glad the rash is gone haha! I miss all you girls so much and want to skype with y'all soon! can we please make that happen? even it's 2am I'm open ha! keep posting and I can't wait to see y'all back in Waco soon! love you and tell Robbs, Mer, and BA hi for me! be safe :)
Caitlin. I almost pee'd my pants when I read the part about the song "Can't touch this." Keep the bloggs coming, they are hilarious. Tell Beth hi for me! I love you dearly
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